خصائص المصفوفة الدائرية وأحد تطبيقاتها || Circulant Matrix Proparties And One of Its Applictions

خصائص المصفوفة الدائرية وأحد تطبيقاتها || Circulant Matrix Proparties And One of Its Applictions

للباحث: عمران خالد محمد شريف هاشم

Some mathematical topics circulant matrices, are pure gems that cry out to be admired and studied with different techniques orperspectives in mind.

I will show in this paper many points about circulant matrix. And answer many questions such as, Is circulant a subspace of the set of the vector space of (n × n) matrices? I shell Discuss properties the circulant matrix. Is commutative or no, is a nonsingular or not, Is symmetric or not. Will the transpose and inverse (if it exists) of A also be circulant. I will discuss the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. Finally, discussion one application of circulant matrix.

نداء للسادة الباحثين لطلب نشر الأبحاث في المجلة العلمية.
